How I reached 3 years of weekly uploads (and 5 million views)

3 years ago, I was struggling to create videos consistently.

But last week, I hit 5 000 000 views on my YouTube channel (mostly thanks to just that: consistency).

Another important thing that got me there? Alignment.

In this blog post, I will share how I created alignment for my YouTube channel  and what 3 things you need in order to reach 5 million views.

This is how I created alignment for my YouTube channel 👇

Defining the what:
↳ 1 min professional tutorials about Premiere Pro & After Effects.

Setting a clear deadline:
↳ Post these videos at least once a week.

Finding the why:
↳ Help other creators while getting more flexibility for myself thanks to increased passive income from YouTube.

Asking myself how:
↳ Developing a system to make this happen (that only takes 6 hours per video).

And you need all of these answers because...

👎 A goal without a purpose = easy to give up
👎 A goal without a plan = easy to get lost
👎 A purpose without a plan = no progress
👎 A plan without a goal = progress, but in the wrong direction
👍 Purpose + Goal + Plan = Clear achievable steps towards your dream

It's just like driving a car. 🚗
Whatever destination you want to go to, you need the right car (your plan), you need to know the destination (your goal), and you need to be able to drive (skills) and you need to know why you are going there (your purpose).

This is why setting the purpose is the very first thing we're defining and documenting in my online program "Streamlined Creator".

So when:

...Things get tough and motivation sways
...Life gets in the way
...You feel like you're not progressing and you start questioning yourself

You'll have the reminder of why you started to help you push forward.

(...and if you can visualize these things by creating a mood board with images, even better!)

Remember: The quicker you can find alignment and break down your goals into daily tasks, the smaller your daily efforts can be to reach your goal.

So "waiting for the right moment" is just procrastination.
You are just making it harder for yourself.

If you systemize your content creation process and increase the quality as you develop, you become unstoppable!

3 things you need in order to reach 5 million views

At the moment, my YouTube channel has 16 181 subscribers and 63 800 hours of watchtime.

The views are divided over 423 videos (with 28 videos having 50 000 views or more).

I am not making long videos, I am not showing my face (in most videos), and I do not publish “Shorts” frequently.
Three things people think are required for growth but they are not. ❌

But the three things I would say ARE required to make this happen are:

1️⃣ Consistency over a long period of time
I’ve published videos every week for over 3 years now. It is more about creating systems for consistency than trying to grow as fast as possible.
YouTube loves consistency and the marathon runner will always outlast the sprinter.

This point is where most people fail. Patience is one of the hardest things to handle as an aspiring YouTuber.

2️⃣ Having a growth mindset
Always look for ways to improve and optimize, even the tiniest details.
In the beginning, it might feel like you are developing from 60% good to 80% good but the more your channel grows, the smaller the steps become.

After a while, you might need to go from 95,2% to 95,6% to reach the next level. But the amount of work for that small step is the same as for 60% to 80%.
So people skip that extra amount of work because it is "inefficient" or they are trying to "cut corners" and think that no one will notice.

But those details matter and that is exactly what will make you stand out.
The people who understand that are the people who will continue to grow.

3️⃣ Constantly educating yourself
I’ve spent over $10 000 in programs and courses, read 20+ books about self development and made 200+ tutorials on Premiere Pro & After Effects.
Because I edit in Premiere Pro and After Effects and create tutorials about it, the more I learn, the more video ideas I get.

Create a channel about a topic you want to learn more about every day and you will never run out of ideas.

If you have an idea for a video but it has already been done, you can always make it better.
And if you can’t, keep educating yourself until you can.

If you want growth, passive income, and a strong personal brand, focus on exciting projects and experiences and share the process and your learnings.
That journey of personal growth will both help you grow but also feel more fullfilling.

Reaching the end goal should not be the requirement for your journey to be worth it.



Systemize, Optimize, & Monetize
your content creation process

I just had my first launch of “Streamlined Creator” and the response has been great so far! 🥳
(Next launch will be in a couple of months, so continue reading if it sounds interesting!)

What is Streamlined Creator?

If you want to jumpstart your YouTube journey, set the foundation for your channel, get systems in place, and grow faster, "Streamlined Creator" is for you!

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share all the details about the program with you and how it can help you increase your YouTube traffic AND turn that traffic into income. (I will also share some insights into my own channel.)

Depending on when you read this, enrollment might be open or closed. If it is closed, I will put you on the waitlist for the next launch and let you know once I open for the next cohort.

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


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