Welcome to my blog!

New blog posts every week about YouTube, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Productivity, and Mindset.

Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

Why “working more” is a bad idea

There's a common misconception about work that we need to address.
Everywhere we look, we see advice about "working hard", "working more", and "hustling".
In this blog post, I'll explain why that's bad advice and what we should do instead.

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YouTube David Lindgren YouTube David Lindgren

How to make great YouTube thumbnails

Creating effective YouTube thumbnails can be tricky because you're trying to communicate a lot of information in a really small space. You want to describe in words what the video is about but also show some kind of image or illustration.

In this blog post I will share some tips regarding what to think about when it comes to designing a great YouTube thumbnail.

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Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

My last blog post (in this format)

These blog posts will change. ✂️

For almost 2 years, I have been sending out a collection of social media posts from the previous week (on various topics) as a newsletter. Images, videos, texts, carousels, tweets...
These newsletters have then been repurposed as blog posts.

But now, this will change.

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YouTube David Lindgren YouTube David Lindgren

Trending vs Evergreen - What videos should you do?

You’ve probably heard of the terms “trending” and “evergreen” videos when you study YouTube and how to grow on the platform.

But what is the difference and what type of videos should you make?

In this short blog post I’m explaining this with two practical examples from my own channel (with 5,5 million views).

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Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

How I created 100 newsletters

This blog post is repurposed from newsletter number 100 and I want to talk about that. Not to brag or to celebrate a milestone, but as a "proof of concept" of a process that has helped me generate 100 letters. Because the process is what helped me get here, not an abundance of ideas or motivation.

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Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

How I uploaded weekly videos to YouTube for 3 years

If you know me, you know that I dedicate a lot of my development and growth as a content creator to my consistency and my systems. For good reasons. In this week’s blog post, I’m sharing the full story behind my 3-year streak of weekly YouTube uploads— and why it took me 4 years of trial and error to get there.

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Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

Time is running out

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we sometimes wait for the perfect moment to start something big.
We want to "get it right" from the start, we want to think things through, and we want to avoid mistakes by starting too early.
But “waiting for the right moment” is not what will help you reach your goal. Rather the opposite. In this blog post I will explain why.

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YouTube David Lindgren YouTube David Lindgren

Did you know this about YouTube?

YouTube started back in 2005. The platform was very different back then and a lot has changed. Most people don't know that YouTube actually started out as a dating platform.
Yes, it’s true. But where are we now?

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Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

What EVERY creator has (without knowing it)

What is your association with the word "system"?
Let me guess: Boring, repetitive, corporate, limited, mundane, robotic...
The words productivity and systems don't sound super exciting.
However, those are key components for any type of journey that you will embark on as a high-achieving content creator.

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Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

5 years of freelancing - These were the steps I took

It was a big decision for me (as an introvert) to start freelancing. I knew deep down that I wanted to create something of my own but I had a ton of questions circulating in my head:
How does it work? How do I find clients? Do I have to do cold-calling? How do I handle invoices and taxes? Will I have the confidence and self-discipline that I need?

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Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

5 things I wish I knew about focus

Maximizing your focus is an essential part of being a content creator when... Coming up with ideas, writing out scripts, filming videos, editing, marketing/distributing etc... Video creation takes a lot of time. Simply "working more" is not the solution. Instead, you want to get the most out of every minute you spend working.

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Productivity David Lindgren Productivity David Lindgren

Are you a decision-making athlete?

Last week, I heard something that really resonated with me. Creators are decision making athletes. Much of your responsibility as a creator lies in prioritising and making the right decisions.
You are probably doing enough, but are you doing the right things?

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