How to auto-cut different cameras
You can cut between different camera angles automatically in Adobe Premiere Pro (like for example when you have recorded a podcast with a guest) very easily with an extension called AutoCut.
How to auto-cut different cameras
After downloading the extension from their website and installing it, open Premiere Pro, go up to Window, Extensions and click AutoCut.
Here you can start a free trial or buy a subscription (via this link to get 15% off), answer a couple of questions, and then land on the homepage.
Here you click AutoCut Podcast, then you write the names of the different speakers for the different audio tracks, and then select each speaker for each video track.
Adjust the “Camera time durations” according to your preferences, select if you want to remove or mute the silent parts, and then click “Edit and disable unused clips” at the bottom.
After a while, your sequence is edited and you can even see how much time you have saved.
If you now want to create captions automatically, AutoCut can do that as well.
🎞 Watch the tutorial here!
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