What EVERY creator has (without knowing it)

What is your association with the word "system"?
Let me guess:

Boring, repetitive, corporate, limited, mundane, robotic...

The words productivity and systems don't sound super exciting.
However, those are key components for any type of journey that you will embark on as a high-achieving content creator.

If this is not a big part of your life already, it is probably due to one of two reasons:

1️⃣ You have systems but you haven't realized it.
(Brushing your teeth, making your bed, taking the bus, riding your bike, buying groceries, eating, starting your computer... All those actions are systems but you don't think about it because you haven't written them down. You just do it on autopilot.)

2️⃣ You intentionally avoid systems.
...because you think that they limit your creativity and spontaneity (when in reality, they enable it by freeing up more time for it.)

Here are 5 positive things that comes from having systems:
⭐️ You can go through a process faster
⭐️ You build confidence by doing things efficiently
⭐️ You free up mental energy by streamlining tasks
⭐️ You give yourself the option to easily outsource tasks
⭐️ You avoid "human errors" and the frustration that comes with it

That's why this blog post is focused on systems and optimization.
Because those are just tools and methods that will help you do more of what you love.

I try to create systems for as many areas as possible in my life. I do this to free up time for creativity and spontaneity.

Get more time for what you enjoy by systemizing your life

Systems are not sexy. ❌
But they work. And we all use them. ⚙️📈
Doctors, pilots, bakers, bus drivers…

I try to systemize as much as possible to take control over my trajectory (with my business but also as an individual).

But some things have to be flexible.
Entertainment, experiences, family situations, unexpected admin work…

I believe that a holistic view of your whole life (not just your business) can be very beneficial both for your business but also for your life as a whole. When these two parts work in symbios they can fuel each other rather than working against each other.

the quicker you implement systems, the bigger the long-term impact.
Don’t try to make it “perfect”. Just start and focus on constantly fine-tuning it.

👇 But most importantly:

Create systems based on YOU and YOUR personality and YOUR goals
Don’t just copy what other people are doing without the context of their life situation, their past, or their ambitions.

Does your pyramid look similar to mine?
Or what is the biggest difference?

(Some things are intentionally put in both categories)



Systemize, Optimize, & Monetize
your content creation process

What is Streamlined Creator?

If you want to set the foundation for your channel, get systems in place, and grow faster, "Streamlined Creator" is for you!

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share exactly how this program can take you closer to the life you love, where you can spend less time in a cubicle and more time creating YouTube content.

You will get insights, resources, custom support, and experience from my 7 years on YouTube and we will go into detail on the systems I’ve used to generate over 5 million views.

Depending on when you read this, enrollment might be open or closed. If it is closed, I will put you on the waitlist for the next launch and let you know once I open the doors for the next cohort.

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


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