5 tips to maximize your time as a creator

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day?
I think a lot of people can relate to that (and especially high-achievers).
The go-to-solution for most people is simple: "I need to work more".
But is that really the solution?

If your response to stress is always to “work more”, take a moment to ask yourself:

Is this really the best solution or am I just punishing myself?”

Could it be that you are in this position because…

👉 You’re struggling to make clear decisions?
👉 You lack clarity on your priorities?
👉 Or you’re afraid to say no to tasks and responsibilities?

When it comes to money, we are usually good at limiting our expenses when it gets out of hand. ❌ We cancel subscriptions, we return items, we sell things, we buy products on discount etc...

But when it comes to time, we waste it left and right ⏳ like if we have unlimited amounts of it, when in reality it is your most valuable asset.

When you spend money, you can always make more.
But when you spend time, it is gone forever.

Over the years, I’ve developed some methods and strategies to make sure I’m squeezing the most out of my time - without burning out.

In this blog post, I’m sharing some examples of this but I also wanted to share some quick bullet points 💡 with tips that you can write down and start applying right away.

Here are 5 specific ways to utilize your time better:

  1. 🧠 Invest in knowledge from people who are ahead of you so you can make smarter decisions and avoid wasting time on trial and error.

  2. 🤖 Automate tasks whenever possible—whether it's email sequences, social media posts, or routine workflows, automating recurring tasks can give you time back every single week.

  3. ☕️ Match your schedule to your energy levels by using regular breaks, caffeine, exercise, and walks to stay focused and avoid burnout. Be as focused and energized as you can when you work (but also the opposite when you don't).

  4. 📚 Batch similar tasks together—by grouping content creation, editing, or admin work into dedicated blocks of time, you can make it easier for yourself to get into a flow and finish more in less time.

  5. 👤 Outsource repetitive or lower-impact tasks, allows you to focus on the things that truly makes the difference for you and your goals.

Look at your calendar and ask yourself how you can apply some of these tips right away, and it doesn't have to be all at once.

Start by optimizing just ONE task every week.
One year from now, you will be blown away by the difference in your schedule. 

Often, you can get the same things done in less time, just by planning better. We just don't value "planning" as high as we should.

We jump straight into work because "we are so busy right now" when planning is actually the exact thing we SHOULD do when our calendars are overfilled.

👉 Control your calendar before your calendar controls you!



Systemize, Optimize, & Monetize
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What is Streamlined Creator?

If you want to set the foundation for your channel, get systems in place, and grow faster, "Streamlined Creator" is for you!

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You will get insights, resources, custom support, and experience from my 7 years on YouTube and we will go into detail on the systems I’ve used to generate over 5 million views.

Depending on when you read this, enrollment might be open or closed. If it is closed, I will put you on the waitlist for the next launch and let you know once I open the doors for the next cohort.

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


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