5 years of freelancing - These were the steps I took

It was a big decision for me (as an introvert) to start freelancing.
I knew deep down that I wanted to create something of my own but I had a ton of questions circulating in my head:

How does it work?
How do I find clients?
Do I have to do cold-calling?
How do I handle invoices and taxes?
Will I have the confidence and self-discipline that I need?

It has been 5 years now and... I'm still going.
I somehow made it this far. (Despite inflation and a worldwide pandemic.)

According to Investopedia, about 45% of new businesses fail within the first 5 years. That number might scare some people to start. But the amount of things you learn along the way and the growth you go through as a person makes it all so worth it.

The freelancing journey and the content creation journey are very similar.

Particularly the early stages where you're going in blind.

🤷‍♂️ You question your niche (or content topics)
🤷‍♂️ You don't know who to ask for advice (or what course to buy)
🤷‍♂️ You don't know how to get clients (or subscribers)
🤷‍♂️ You feel like you're not making money (or growth is slow)
🤷‍♂️ The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know

The way I approached this was to think long-term from the beginning and focus on building recurring income streams, proven systems, and a strong personal brand.

When starting out, I had a few clients on contract that I worked with every month. I posted content on social media regularly (often sharing goals, reflections and "behind-the-scenes") and weekly videos to my YouTube channel to grow it over time.

Instead of chasing quick bucks, I did the minimum amount of client work to cover my costs, just to free up as much time as possible for my YouTube channel. (I still did my best but I didn't take on more projects than I had to.)

Then, I slowly built my business foundation and income streams over time: 

1️⃣ I tried to build passive income streams around my YouTube channel by linking to products and software in my YouTube videos, in the video description, and in the comment section (affiliate marketing).

2️⃣ I created a free product with "mogrts" for Premiere Pro (that served as a "lead magnet" to get people into my e-mail list) and linked that under my YouTube videos and social media posts. (I also put it as "pinned posts" on X and Threads.)

3️⃣ I created paid low-ticket products relevant to the free product (and did specific YouTube videos about the products to promote them).

4️⃣ I invested in a personal coach and multiple online programs to develop myself and my business.

5️⃣ I created a website and a blog (where I started repurposing my newsletters and YouTube videos) to create more ways for people to find me organically through search. (What you are reading now, for example, is from my newsletter.)

6️⃣ I continued to work regularly with social media marketing to build a strong personal brand and get incoming job requests.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my YouTube channel. With over 5 million views on my videos it has helped increase my income, broaden my network, and strengthen my personal brand. That's why it felt like a natural next step to create an online program this year based on my experience of growing my channel in a sustainable, and organic way.

The online program serves 2 purposes:

1️⃣ It helps me productize a service that I can scale. A service that I can sell over and over without having to add more and more time to it (because the lessons and templates are already created). I can increase the income more than I have to increase the time input.

2️⃣ It helps me understand my network even better. By regularly serving other creators with lessons, templates, group calls, and accountability, I can identify and pick up the biggest pain points that creators have and use them to improve the program and the way I deliver it (and also to get content ideas for social media).

By continuing to update the program regularly, I can make it better and better every year (and thereby also charge more and more for it) and I hope that this is what will help support me as a solopreneur going forward.

And, most likely it will also be even more enjoyable than the first 5 years because I have another reason to develop and grow my YouTube channel now; Everything I learn can be added to the program.

So basically, the more I learn about YouTube, the more I can grow my channel AND improve my program (which will lead to increased income).

But it took me 5 years to get here and I'm still hesitating sometimes if a program like this is what I should do, but then again, I hesitated if I should start freelancing as well and I haven't been regretting it for one second.

As a former hockey player, it was truly an honour for me when I got the chance to work as a video creator for Färjestad BK, one of the biggest hockey clubs in Sweden, for half a year.

My belief is that you will always be more proud (and feel more fulfilled) over something you've spent years building for yourself rather than single projects you deliver for other companies. (Of course, there are exceptions to this. Like the image above for example.)

My point with this whole text is that it will never stop being difficult.
It might sound like I'm in a better position now than what I was 5 years ago (which is also true) but my challenges will never go away. They will just come in different shapes and forms but I will get better and better at handling them.

As you go on similar journey, you will experience how you build your own foundation brick by brick. Not overnight. Eventually, all those late nights and all the frustration will be worth it. You just need to tackle what is right in front of you at the moment and nothing else. Over and over.

And once you are 5 years in and look back at what you've accomplished, and realize what is possible, you are going to wish that you started sooner.

→ Question for you:
If you could be anywhere in 5 years, where would it be?
How would your days look like?

Write it down. Paint a picture. Visualize it.
Then break it down into yearly goals and then break down those yearly goals into actionable daily steps.

What baby steps can you start taking today?
The compounding effect over time will surprise you. 

Trust me when I say that you are capable of way more than you think.
I have surprised myself so many times throughout this journey and that is what has built my confidence and character. Two very valuable traits as an online creator and solopreneur.

It is a challenging process and that Is exactly way I recommend everyone to go through it and approach it head first.

Hope you found this helpful and that you will enjoy the rest of the blog post!



Systemize, Optimize, & Monetize
your content creation process

I just had my first launch of “Streamlined Creator” and the response has been great so far! 🥳
(Next launch will be in a couple of months, so continue reading if it sounds interesting!)

What is Streamlined Creator?

If you want to jumpstart your YouTube journey, set the foundation for your channel, get systems in place, and grow faster, "Streamlined Creator" is for you!

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share all the details about the program with you and how it can help you increase your YouTube traffic AND turn that traffic into income. (I will also share some insights into my own channel.)

Depending on when you read this, enrollment might be open or closed. If it is closed, I will put you on the waitlist for the next launch and let you know once I open for the next cohort.

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


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