Are you a decision-making athlete?

Last week, I heard something that really resonated with me.

→ Creators are decision-making athletes

Much of your responsibility as a creator lies in prioritising and making the right decisions.

Creative decisions, strategic decisions, tactical decisions, planning decisions, financial decisions...

It's so easy to just fill your schedule and be busy, but not necessarily make progress towards your goals. You are probably doing enough, but are you doing the right things?

To optimize this area for yourself, make sure that you...

✔️ Take time to create a plan for the week that you are pro-active instead of re-active

✔️ See which big tasks need to be done
...and break them down inte smaller chunks

✔️ Plan each day around your top 3 priorities

...because that is more than enough IF you do the RIGHT things.
(You can always do more, but not until you've done these first 3 things.)

By making these big decisions at the beginning of the week (or before the week starts), you're able to keep yourself on track every day and also reduce a big chunk of the daily mental load by avoiding decision fatigue.

This is why I think that the label "decision making athlete" is so accurate.

I've found throughout my life (and by observing the people I look up to) that the accomplishment of reaching any big goal is not about driving the fastest but about avoiding all the distractions along the way and just KEEP driving.

So go through your calendar each week and ask yourself what you can Eliminate, Automate, Delegate (in that order) and then Concentrate on what is left.

Analyze how (and if) each task is supporting you in reaching the life you want to live.

You are not stressed over the amount of tasks you have to do.
You are stressed over the fact that time is passing by without you making progress.

I just reached the 5 year mark as a freelancer and I'm always looking for small improvements (in every area of life). I want to reach 100 000 subscribers on YouTube, increase my passive income streams and live a healthy, wealthy and exciting life so I try to find tips, methods and habits that will help me reach that.

I like to distill these findings and share them in my content (newsletters, blog posts, carousels, stories...) for creators like you!

But I want to know about you, your situation, and what you want to learn more about!
How can I help you on your journey?

If you are not subscribing to my newsletter yet, I'd love it if you click the image above, subscribe, and reply to the next e-mail with your niche and what topics you are interested in hearing more about!

Hope you found this helpful!

I just launched my 4th digital product, the "YouTube Crash Course". It is priced insanely low at only $5 but only for a very limited amount of time (price will increase on Monday, Aug 19, 2024).
I wanted you to know that so that you can grab this opportunity.

Download it now!



Systemize, Optimize, & Monetize
your content creation process

I just had my first launch of “Streamlined Creator” and the response has been great so far! 🥳
(Next launch will be in a couple of months, so continue reading if it sounds interesting!)

What is Streamlined Creator?

If you want to jumpstart your YouTube journey, set the foundation for your channel, get systems in place, and grow faster, "Streamlined Creator" is for you!

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share all the details about the program with you and how it can help you increase your YouTube traffic AND turn that traffic into income. (I will also share some insights into my own channel.)

Depending on when you read this, enrollment might be open or closed. If it is closed, I will put you on the waitlist for the next launch and let you know once I open for the next cohort.

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


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