Did you know this about YouTube?

YouTube started back in 2005. The platform was very different back then and a lot has changed. Most people don't know that YouTube actually started out as a dating platform.
Yes, it’s true. But where are we now?

Did you know this about YouTube?

As I’m writing this in 2024, there are 2,7 billion users on YouTube and it is the second biggest search engine in the world.

The “shelf-life” for videos on YouTube are way longer than on social media. (Some sources state that it is 8 years.)

This depends of course on the type of video that you create.
For example, is it a trending video or an evergreen video?

A trending video might have a spike in views directly after publishing while an evergreen video might solve a timeless problem (and will stay relevant for longer).

”But what happens then? When the video is not relevant anymore and it stops getting views?”

The fact is that there is a way to “save” an old video that is not performing (or did perform well at the start but not anymore).

You do this by changing some specific information for the video (like the thumbnail, title, and/or video description).

YouTube will then re-index the video and “give you a second chance” (as if you uploaded a new video).

This gives you a new chance to attract viewers to your old videos by, for example, trying out a new thumbnail.

However, it is important to notice, that this will not guarantee more views. The video might perform worse than before, so I would only do this with videos that are already not performing well (because then you have nothing to lose really).

In general, when creating content for YouTube, I recommend that you create like YouTube is a search engine but engage like it is a social media platform.

Do your keyword research ahead of time, make videos that your target audience is actually searching for, and package it in a way that they would find interesting.

Then, after publishing, your next job starts.
Engage with your audience, answer comments, check their channels, use endscreens in your videos, use cards, create playlists, do community posts…

Posting content on YouTube is just the start.
If you truly want to grow your YouTube channel, you need to genuinely care about the people watching your content.

🎞 Watch the video here!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more YouTube tips like this!

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