How I created 100 newsletters

This blog post is repurposed from newsletter number 100 and I want to talk about that.

Not to brag or to celebrate a milestone, but as a "proof of concept" of a process that has helped me generate 100 letters.

Because the process is what helped me get here, not an abundance of ideas or motivation.

Motivation is an interesting thing. It often appear at the beginning of anything new you start but slowly decreases as that thing becomes more predictable and less stimulating.

It is like a sugar rush. A quick spike in energy followed by a dip. 

When it comes to food, we all know that you can't live of sugar alone and that you need a stable diet over time. A base of both protein, carbs, and fat to support your brain and body (together with vitamins and minerals).

The same thing goes with any content creation process you need to have in place in order to build your personal brand and your business.

You need to have a plan for making content consistently that is not based on motivation. Motivation can be a nice bonus but the process should preferably work in any possible situation, at any time, and at any place.
No matter how you feel that day.

But creating a great content creation system takes time.

First of all, you need to define your goal to know what direction you want to move in. Then you need to know what content format (or formats) will help you get there.
This might take years to figure out and you need to be patient about that.

And once you start moving forwards, you might realize that this specific path is not for you and you pivot or start over (with another format or niche).

The truth is that you will never know for sure what you will do 5 years down the road and you can't plan for it. But one thing you can trust is that you won't make progress towards your goal when you just sit on your ass and do nothing. When you procrastinate the start because you want to "make it perfect" or you want it to "feel just right". 

So what you have to do is to just simply take action and do what you think is right in the moment, based on the information you have at hand.
Then you learn and develop along the way.

With time, you will get better at optimizing tasks based on your goal, your personality, your energy levels (more on that below) and your other commitments.

The only thing you can't do is to give up.
If you feel like you need to pivot, sure, but learn from your mistakes to avoid ending up in the same situation again.

Don't focus on "results" in the beginning.
Focus on your own input and on gaining experience.

For example, I studied web development for 2 years to get an internship at a web agency (because I wanted to work with web design).
After some time, I got hired at that agency - but as a video editor.

I didn't know it would turn out that way, but I'm happy it did and I wouldn't get there if I didn't start by taking action and study web development (although I knew from the beginning that it wasn't my end goal to become a web developer). But it was the right step to take at that moment.

Life is an adventure.
There will be ups and downs and unexpected situations and outcomes and I hope that you will embrace those uncertainties.

Because if you do what everyone else is doing, you will end up living like everyone else. But if you want to have an exceptional lifestyle (like becoming a YouTuber for example), you also need to act as the exception.

You do that by following your gut feeling, no matter how hard the road ahead seems to be (or what your friends or family might think about your choices).

So again, ask yourself where you want to go.
Ask yourself WHY you want to go there. 
THEN, once that is clear, start creating systems and processes that helps you move in that direction faster and never stop experimenting to improve these systems and processes.

It starts with goal prioritization, then task elimination, then action systemization, and process optimization.

I want to help 100 000 creators.
My newsletter is a part of the process to do that.
The content in those newsletters are my social media posts.
That is my goal, my reason, and my process simplified. 

Some people (from the outside) might not see the value of me spending 2h each week on writing those newsletters, but my gut feeling says that it is the right thing to do, so therefor I prioritize it.

Traditionally, most of the systems in my business have paid of eventually. That's why I can trust my systems because I know from experience that they work. 

Below, you will read more on this topic and some reflections I have from my own content creation journey that has helped me reach 5 million views, make 700 videos, get 17 000 subscribers & write 100 newsletters (thanks to these systems).

It all comes down to doing the right things, in the right way, at the right time, for long enough.



Systemize, Optimize, & Monetize
your content creation process

What is Streamlined Creator?

If you want to set the foundation for your channel, get systems in place, and grow faster, "Streamlined Creator" is for you!

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share exactly how this program can take you closer to the life you love, where you can spend less time in a cubicle and more time creating YouTube content.

You will get insights, resources, custom support, and experience from my 7 years on YouTube and we will go into detail on the systems I’ve used to generate over 5 million views.

Depending on when you read this, enrollment might be open or closed. If it is closed, I will put you on the waitlist for the next launch and let you know once I open the doors for the next cohort.

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


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