How I reach milestones

I just reached 3 milestones I'm super proud of:

🏆 16 000 subscribers on YouTube
🏆 5 000 000 views on YouTube
🏆 Launching my online program "Streamlined Creator"

Looking back to this time last year, I can see how much I've grown.
It's easy to recognize other people’s big leaps and feel overwhelmed, when they are in fact just the result of countless small steps.

There is no "secret sauce" to success. No shortcut to "blowing up".
The key is in the daily discipline. That is what will build experience, results, and confidence.

What you should focus on (rather than scanning for "secrets" or "shortcuts") is methods for creating good habits and following through with them.

(I strongly recommend reading
Atomic Habits by James Clear if you haven't already.)

Never stop experimenting with habits and don't be afraid to change them.
You need to find what works for YOU at this specific point in your life.

A good habit is the one you stick to.

(More on that later in this newsletter.)

One thing I personally have found really helpful is creating streaks.
It gives me that sense of accountability and the feeling of "letting myself down" if I don't do it. (And that feeling becomes stronger the more the streak extends.)

The result of uploading weekly videos to YouTube for 163 weeks straight.

Here are some of my "non-negotiables" (and streaks) I use to make sure I move forward every week and, eventually, reach my milestones:

☑️ Get up 5:55
I've done this 6 times per week for the last 20 weeks now.
It gives me room for deep focus in the morning and the option to take spontaneous breaks later throughout the day (while still getting my tasks done). It also builds character as a person who does what he intend to do.

☑️ Daily workouts (6 times per week)
I've done this for the last 20 weeks as well. I alternate biking with working out and I keep it short (25 min biking and 7 min intense workout). It helps me get it done, avoid excuses and increase my overall energy level. I do this with items I have at home, so no gym required.

☑️ Weekly videos
I've uploaded videos to YouTube for 163 weeks straight. This helps me build momentum on YouTube, collect data points, build my muscle of discipline, improve my odds, and prevent overthinking topics. I simply don't have time to overthink topics if I have deadlines to meet.

☑️ Minimum 6h sleep per night
I aim for 8h of sleep per night (because I know that I need it for optimal performance) but I can go one day with only 6h if I need to. However, If I sleep 6h for two days straight, I allow myself to take a nap to recharge. I've noticed that the 15-30 min nap can be such a time investment on my productivity and that I catch up on that "lost time" within just a couple of hours. (I'm also very rarely sick thanks to avoiding sleep deprivation which can result in a more vulnerable immune system.)

☑️ I keep a water bottle at my desk
As much as dehydration impacts your ability to think clearly, it also affects your memory. You remember things more clearly if you stay hydrated!
Those two reasons should be enough to convince you to keep a water bottle at your desk at all times. A rule of thumb is, if you only drink water when you are thirsty, you are not drinking enough. Aim for 200ml every hour.

I hope this inspired you to create, adjust or establish a new habit to support your longterm goal.

Remember, time will keep passing, no matter if you're working on your dreams or not. So make your longterm goal a daily priority.

Things will not get easier. But you can get mentally stronger.



"Streamlined Creator" launched July 1, 2024 🥳

I just had my first launch of “Streamlined Creator” 🥳
(Next launch will be in a couple of months, so reach out if you are interested!)

What is Streamlined Creator?

If you want to jumpstart your YouTube journey, set the foundation for your channel, get systems in place, and grow faster, "Streamlined Creator" is for you!

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share all the details about the program with you and how it can help you increase your YouTube traffic AND turn that traffic into income. (I will also share some insights into my own channel.)

Depending on when you read this, enrollment might be open or closed. If it is closed, I will put you on the waitlist for the next launch and let you know once I open for the next cohort.

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


Don't just "work hard" (do this instead)


Small actions, big results (why you need to start today)