Small actions, big results (why you need to start today)

Want to become a full-time creator? 🎞️

Want to work remotely and double (or triple) your income? 💰

Want to sit at a pool, under a palm tree, with your laptop? 🌴💻

Want to travel the world with just a camera and your camera and your backpack? 📸🎒 

All of this is possible, so why are you not doing it?

Ok, let's break this down.

You've seen people on social media live your "dream life" and you want to do the same. You start looking at their content and start imitating what they're doing. You assume that if you just copy what they're doing, you will sooner or later get what they're having.

But there are 2 things you miss here:

1️⃣ Social media just shows the tip of the iceberg
Someone might sit at a pool with a laptop, but they might not own the place (they might bulk produced content during their vacation). They might share how they are making $15 000 in one month, but it might be course sales or payments for longer memberships (so that high income is not constant every month).

2️⃣ What they post now is not what got them there
Creators are sharing content based on their current situation and their current marketing objectives. You might be way earlier in your process and might need to work on other things or share another type of content. You might not have the credibility or the social proof yet (or a marketing team working for you). Your "year 1" is very different from their "year 10".

I'm not saying your dream life is unrealistic or even impossible to reach, but it probably requires more time than you think to get there.

For any type of "success", you have to show up consistently and intentionally over a long period of time.

And for that, you need a plan, because simply showing up and being "busy" is not enough.

Your efforts has to be directed towards a specific goal and your actions (and the output) have to be analyzed and optimized regularly to get the most out of your time.

It's not "working hard" or "working smart".
It's learning, applying, and analyzing regularly
The success formula is not complete without all those three focus areas.

Let's take an example.

Jumping 2 meters up in the air might sound impossible, but walking up the stairs, on the other hand, sounds almost ridiculously simple.

Once your goal and direction is defined, think about how you can break that down into such small steps that each step feel as easy as one step in the staircase. And then just focus on taking one step daily. 🪜

Problem is that most people try to jump 2 meters up in the air instead.

But just like with a staircase, every step has to take you forward AND up. If you just move forward but not up, you are just walking straight. This is why consistency without constant improvement is not enough.

Further down in this blog post I'm explaining why you need to start TODAY if you have huge ambitions and why postponing it "until you have more time and money" is just a form of procrastination.

Just like Steven Bartlett said:
"If you have 1440 minutes each day, you can afford to spend 60 of them working on your dream"

This is why I created my online program "Streamlined Creator" (read more at the bottom of this blog post) - to help you get the best use of those hours, make the most progress, and reach your goal faster!        

This is how much I’ve grown my own YouTube channel with just 1h of dedicated work per day.

Why you need to start TODAY

How long does it take to become a YouTuber?

First of all, I would argue that you have to become an expert at something to make a full-time living from YouTube (in a sustainable way).

That expertise can be a combination of content quality, production quality, video quantity, marketing skills, and previous brand awareness.

So how do you become an expert?

You’ve probably heard about the “10 000 hour rule”
(made popular by Malcolm Gladwell from his book “Outliers” where he stated that it takes    
10 000 hours of practise to become a master in a specific field).

This “rule” was debunked due to a number of reasons:
❌ It wasn’t based on a solid scientific study
❌ 10 000 hours was not a minimum but the average
❌ The rule only specified the quantity of practise but not the quality

(This is just a very compressed explanation but you can find more context on Google.)

But let’s still use this number as a rule of thumb, to get a sense of how many hours you need to spend daily to reach 10 000 hours of practise.

2 years * 365 days * 13,8 hours daily = 10 074 hours
4 years * 365 days * 6,9 hours daily = 10 074 hours
6 years * 365 days * 4,6 hours daily = 10 074 hours
8 years * 365 days * 3,5 hours daily = 10 220 hours
10 years * 365 days * 2,8 hours daily = 10 220 hours
14 years * 365 days * 2 hours daily = 10 220 hours

So, if you want to build a huge YouTube channel and make a full-time living from it, but you only have 2 hours to invest per day, it will take 14 years to reach 10 220 hours.

So doesn’t it make sense to get started asap?

And if you don’t feel “ready”, think about the fact that those 2 hours per day would be significantly more fruitful than if you wait until you can work 13,8 hours per day for 2 years.

Waiting to build your YouTube channel or creative business is just disguised procrastination. The earlier you start, the fewer hours you need to spend daily to reach your goal at the same preferred date.

👉 Truth is, you don’t need more time, you need to learn “ruthless prioritization”.

That’s the mentality you need in order to eliminate a lot of tempting distractions (that often comes with instant gratification like dopamine, money or feelings of joy or comfort).

I've uploaded weekly videos for over 3 years. I've said no to a lot of things.

So if you REALLY want to chase your dream, start practising the skill of prioritization TODAY by taking action on the activities that might come with delayed gratification but better align with your long-term goals.
Because you need to start practising that skill anyways.

You’ll either find a way or you’ll find an excuse.
The question becomes: How bad do you want it?



"Streamlined Creator" launching July 1, 2024 🥳

If you want to jumpstart your YouTube journey, set the foundation for your channel, and get the systems in place to grow faster (rather than fumbling around in the dark for years), consider joining "Streamlined Creator".

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share all the details about the program with you and how it can help you increase your YouTube traffic AND turn that traffic into income. (I will also share some insights into my own channel.)

I will close enrollment the 1:st of July (or as soon as I fill up the 8 spots for this launch, whatever happens first).

2 out of the 8 spots in the program are already booked (and I have some calls booked in the next couple of days with people who are considering to join, so book your call before it's too late).

In the call, you will be presented with a launch-price 🤑 at the end that you won't find anywhere else (and it is the lowest price it will ever be since I'm opening the enrollment for the first time, so take advantage of this one-time-opportunity).

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


How I reach milestones


Push forward, step back or pivot?