I changed my life in 6 months (this is how)

Often, the biggest obstacle between a person and their dream life is their mindset.

Humans are curious creatures. We like to make sense of the world.
We like to label things, connect the dots, fill in the gaps, and we draw conclusions based on previous experience.

So when we don't have the experience or the knowledge in a certain area, the conclusion starts with words like...

"I don't think I..."
"I don't know if I..."
"I don't have the..."

Because we haven't seen the outcome yet.

The way we talk to ourselves may seem insignificant but each time we tell ourselves we can't do something, it shapes our story and our self-belief.

Our mind can't truly distinguish facts from beliefs, so when we tell ourselves something often enough, we start to believe it.

And if people around you confirm it, that belief grows stronger.
(Religion is a great example of this.)

Everything we ever learned got registered that way. 
Information entered our mind and we decided to believe it and label it as facts or truth.

So why not overwrite your limiting beliefs by registering thoughts of hope and confidence instead?

Thoughts turns into spoken words and words have impact.

The beliefs that limit us are usually a product of our environment.
And you have the power to change that. Every day.

But it is like building a muscle. You need to exercise it regularly.

Talk to yourself like the personal coach you wish you had.

Want to become a YouTuber?
You can.

Want to become a content creator? 
↳ You can.

Want to replace your full-time income? 
↳ You can.

Things are impossible when you believe that they are.
Things are possible when you believe that they are.
It goes both ways.

It starts with self-belief and continues with taking action until we see results that confirms our beliefs.

Now, I'm not saying to stop seeing your friends and going full monk mode for 6 months (unless that's what you want to do, of course), but to make small daily changes (that will add up over time).

It's about becoming the person you need to be to achieve what you want.

So where do you start?

Ask yourself what daily tasks you want to implement that supports the person you want to become and what daily tasks you want to eliminate.

Then adjust your environment to make it easier for yourself to take the right decisions daily.

Some examples:
✅ Set your alarm 10 min earlier
✅ Mount a camera next to your computer to embrace content creation
✅ Place your phone in another room when working
✅ Hide your candy and place a fruit bowl on the table
✅ Prepare your workout clothes the day before
✅ Have a fancy water bottle in your fridge (instead of soda)
✅ Join an online community (or course) with likeminded people who aim for a similar goal
✅ Place books you want to read next to your couch/bed/desk
✅ Declutter. Remove things from your home that reminds you of the person you don't want to be.
✅ Spend less time with people who doesn't support the "new you"

Start with 1 change and slowly increase it over time.
Like replacing 10 minutes of scrolling into reading 5 pages of a book.

Achieving your goal of becoming a YouTuber or Content Creator won't happen overnight.

But the earlier you start, the smaller your daily actions can be to reach your goal.

Waiting for "the perfect moment" is just disguised procrastination.

Collected experience gives you more data to take better decisions further down the line. So by trying something for long enough (and adjusting based on the results) you can turn something seemingly impossible into something realistic and expected. 

I changed my life in 6 months.
Below you can read more about how I did it. (The mindset shift I just talked about was a part of the reason.)

To communicate my message more clearly (for myself and others), I rebranded the content I was putting out. Everything from colors and fonts to format and vibe.

This is how I did it - My identity shift

In December 2023, I made a huge investment.

Not the house, not stocks, not crypto…

I invested in the only thing where I actually control the outcome:
Educating myself.
(The investment was so big that I would be broke if it didn’t work.) 😬

The goal was to productize my knowledge around YouTube & productivity.
I watched course material, joined weekly group calls, defined my offer (an online program), practised my pitch during multiple “fake calls”, mapped out the content for the program, and started building a list of people to contact.

At this point, I had zero sales experience & had survived 4,5 years as freelancer thanks to my personal brand & “word of mouth”.
So I needed to upgrade my identity & establish new habits in order to make this big pivot successful within just 6 months.

I created an “identity sheet” with values that I wanted to embody & I added that identity sheet as the background on all my devices.
(I also posted about it on LinkedIn & Instagram.)

The “identity sheet” I created at the beginning of this year (2024)

Then I narrowed my focus to one week at a time.
I started getting up 5:55, six times per week.
Not just “most weeks” but EVERY week.

I started 6 out of 7 days with a short workout. Then I followed that with education & marketing before doing any other work. Prioritizing myself first.

Learning new things in the morning works well for me because I feel rested, motivated, & I experience less mental clutter.
Fueling my mind with new information early in the morning helps me come up with topic ideas I can write about. So marketing feels like a natural next task after that.

Fast forward 6 months, I’ve created a list of 2800 people, started conversations with 450 of them & then only pitched the people I felt were a good fit for the program.
(I want to be "helpful". Not "salesy".)

Once on the call, I sold to 50% of the people I talked to (which is a really good number considering that I’ve never been doing sales calls before). 🤯

Now, I’ve kept my streak of getting up 5:55 six times per week for 6 months, I’m running my program & hosting group calls (which I’ve also never done before) & I’m getting good feedback.

I’m creating the program as I go during this first launch (which works really well for me because it gives me clear deadlines & I can customize lessons, tips, & examples based on the students in the program).

I would lie if I told you that I never doubted myself.
I was thinking about giving up multiple times during these 6 months & fall back to just doing client work like I did before.

Why leave something that works well to something you’ve never done before?
👉 Because life is too long to not give your true passion a chance.

(As an example, my girlfriend spent 3,5 years on Instagram without making any money from it.
Now, 6 months later, she is making a full-time income from it. Imagine if she would have given up 6 months ago.)

This fact helped me push through & I’m so happy I did because now I have the foundation for a program that I can work on and improve for years to come.

It also allows me to get paid for helping other creators make money online through their passion, and that feeling alone makes this whole journey worth it! 💪

The more I learn about making money online as a creator, the more I can improve the program and help more people. Truly a win-win!
Alignment of efforts.

Lean into who you are over a long enough time and you will become unstoppable! ✊



Systemize, Optimize, & Monetize
your content creation process

I just had my first launch of “Streamlined Creator” and the response has been great so far! 🥳
(Next launch will be in a couple of months, so continue reading if it sounds interesting!)

What is Streamlined Creator?

If you want to jumpstart your YouTube journey, set the foundation for your channel, get systems in place, and grow faster, "Streamlined Creator" is for you!

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share all the details about the program with you and how it can help you increase your YouTube traffic AND turn that traffic into income. (I will also share some insights into my own channel.)

Depending on when you read this, enrollment might be open or closed. If it is closed, I will put you on the waitlist for the next launch and let you know once I open for the next cohort.

Let me help you Systemize, Optimize, and Monetize your creative skills!


Move faster by slowing down


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