Push forward, step back or pivot?

How often do you think about your future?

Maybe you've thought about saving money, changing job, starting a YouTube channel, investing in crypto, buy real estate, getting into the stock market... Some kind of investment for the future.

But nothing happened. It's been pushed forward to "sometime in the future".

Ideas are easy to get. The execution is hard.

Sometimes it is because we don’t have the knowledge to do the investment we want to do.
Sometimes it is because we DO have the knowledge and therefore don’t do the investment because we get overwhelmed by the amount of work required.

But when it comes to investments, the best investment you can make as a content creator is investing in yourself.

That can come in a lot of different forms:
✔️ Systemize your work to save yourself time
✔️ Grow your network
✔️ Grow your personal brand
✔️ Educate yourself
✔️ Work on your health
✔️ Upload evergreen content to YouTube
✔️ Start a blog
✔️ Build an e-mail list
✔️ Get a coach/mentor
✔️ Create digital products
✔️ Create a course
✔️ Invest in books, workshops, tools, courses

Every decision you take today is a vote for or against your ideal future self.

Here are three ways I'm currently working for my ideal future self (and future business):

1️⃣ Gamifying my goals
This makes it easier to track my progress for bigger projects. It helps me break things down into smaller steps and focus on the things that matter the most (and pays off long-term).

This is an example of how I break down (and gamify) bigger projects in Notion

2️⃣ Creating resources
Lead magnets, low ticket offers, high ticket offers, courses, evergreen content... I'm creating the infrastucture for my business to streamline (and diversify) my income. Content to bring traffic to my business. Products to turn that traffic into money.

(This model is what I teach inside my program “Streamlined Creator” that you can read more about at the end of this blog post.)

3️⃣ Reviewing my direction frequently
One key aspect for reviewing your own "creator roadmap" is to shift perspective frequently. Just like when driving a car, you have the front window, the rearview mirror, and the side mirrors. And they are all necessary.

🎯 Most of the time you are trying to be focused and look straight ahead.
👀 But you also need to look to the sides once in a while.
🗺️ And sometimes you need to stop and check the map or GPS.

And the further you want to drive, the more important it is to make sure you are going in the right direction. 🗺️ Not just that you are driving fast. 🏎️

One wrong turn early on in your career can set you off in a different direction and waste you a lot of time if you don't think it through properly. 

When was the last time you truly sat down and questioned whether the direction your actions are taking you is towards the future you want to live?

This might sound backwards, but If you "don't have time" to plan, that's exactly when you need to plan.

Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is to remove things from your calendar. Prioritize daily work towards your goals, even if it's just a small daily step. Everything else is secondary.

And if your goal is not clear, go on a long walk to sort your thoughts and think about the life you want to live and then turn that vision into micro goals (within your own control) and tangible daily actions to reach them.



"Streamlined Creator" launching July 1, 2024 🥳

If you want to jumpstart your YouTube journey, set the foundation for your channel, and get the systems in place to grow (rather than fumbling around in the dark for years without direction), consider joining "Streamlined Creator".

I've finally decided on a starting date (1st of July) and that is when I will close enrollment (or as soon as I fill up the 8 spots for this launch, whatever happens first).

If this sounds interesting, book a 30-min Discovery Call and I'll share all the details with you!

The call is completely free and you will get insights into my own channel growth and be presented with a launch price at the end that you won't find anywhere else (and it is the lowest price it will ever be since I'm opening enrollment for the first time, so take advantage of this one-time-opportunity).


Small actions, big results (why you need to start today)


The biggest obstacle you'll face as a content creator